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BigFrontEnd Category 9 jQuery Implementation Questions

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    Yinhuan Yuan


This blog post summarizes the jQuery implementation related questions found on BigFrontEnd.Dev.

1.implement a simple DOM wrapper to support method chaining like jQuery

15.https://bigfrontend.dev/problem/implement-a-simple-DOM-wrapper-to-support-method-chaining-like-jQuery I believe you've used jQuery before, we often chain the jQuery methods together to accomplish our goals.

For example, below chained call turns button into a black button with white text.

  .css("color", "#fff")
  .css("backgroundColor", "#000")
  .css("fontWeight", "bold");

The chaining makes the code simple to read, could you create a simple wrapper $ to make above code work as expected?

The wrapper only needs to have css(propertyName: string, value: any)

 * @param {HTMLElement} el - element to be wrapped
class Wrapper {
  constructor(element) {
    this.element = element;

  css(propertyName, value) {
    this.element.style[propertyName] = value;
    return this; // Enable chaining by returning the instance

function $(el) {
  return new Wrapper(el);
 * @param {HTMLElement} el - element to be wrapped
function $(el) {
  const css = (name, value) => {
    el.style[name] = value;
    return { css };
  return {