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BigFrontEnd Category 8 Jest Implementation Questions
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- Yinhuan Yuan
This blog post summarizes the Jest implementation related questions found on BigFrontEnd.Dev.
1.implement 38.https://bigfrontend.dev/problem/implement-spyOn If you did unit test before, you must be familiar with Spy.
You are asked to create a spyOn(object, methodName), which works the same as jest.spyOn().
To make it simple, here are the 2 requirements of spyOn
original method should be called when spied one is called spy should have a calls array, which holds all the arguments in each call. Code to explain everything.
const obj = {
data: 1,
increment(num) {
this.data += num
const spy = spyOn(obj, 'increment')
console.log(obj.data) // 2
console.log(obj.data) // 4
// [ [1], [2] ]
* @param {object} obj
* @param {string} methodName
function spyOn(obj, methodName) {
const calls = []
const originalMethod = obj[methodName]
if (!originalMethod || typeof originalMethod !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`${methodName} does not exist`)
obj[methodName] = (...args) => {
return { calls }
or not.toBe()
2.161.https://bigfrontend.dev/problem/jest-assertion Here are some simple Jest test code.
expect(3).toBe(3) // ✅
expect(4).toBe(3) // ❌
We can reverse it with not.
expect(3).not.toBe(3) // ❌
expect(4).not.toBe(3) // ✅
Please implement myExpect() to support toBe() and also not.
* interface Matcher {
* toBe(data: any): void
* }
* @param {any} input
* @returns {Matcher & {not: Matcher}}
function myExpect(input) {
// x === input will fail with 0, -0 (return true) and NaN, NaN (return false)
const isEqual = (x, input) => {
return Object.is(x, input)
return {
toBe: (x) => {
if (!isEqual(x, input)) {
throw new Error()
not: {
toBe: (x) => {
if (isEqual(x, input)) {
throw new Error()